
Every day of inactiveness results in a cost, that’s why action must be taken as soon as possible to avoid losing competitiveness.

Guido Alberto Inzaghi, speaking to Reuters (How a construction boom in Italy’s financial capital stalled), reiterates the urgency of resolving the deadlock that Milan is currently facing with the issuance of permits.

This is particularly based on the belief that all parties – both public and private – have acted in accordance with the rules. Therefore, having to wait such a long time for clarity can lead to the loss of investments, both planned and in the design phase.

Often, regulations and market dynamics operate at different speeds, but in this case, the risk of intervening too late, and losing competitiveness is very high.

In the obvious respect for the work of the judiciary, it is therefore necessary to find the right solution, and we, as a firm and together with trade associations, are working on this.