Claudio Sangiorgi, President of the Architects’ College of Milan, commented on the current issues related to Milan’s urban planning in an article published in Corriere della Sera. He stated that recent developments demand a balanced, ideology-free reflection that, instead of solving problems, ends up creating divisions and obstacles.
It is essential to understand the context and political choices that legitimize urban planning decisions, which are based on a correct, non-restrictive interpretation of the regulations, allowing for a more suitable application to the specific realities.
SI – Studio Inzaghi fully agrees with the article’s points and emphasizes that the “Salva Milano” decree is an authentic interpretive rule, not an amnesty measure. The purpose of the decree is not to regularize illegal actions, but to establish a legitimate and clear interpretation of the regulations at a national level.
We believe that urban regeneration must be a continuous process, validated by a correct interpretation of the regulations, within a context of high demand and infrastructure development. Milan is a city in expansion, and an international reference point for investments and development projects.
It is crucial that decisions are guided by a clear political vision and a flexible but rigorous application of regulations, so that the future of the city can be built on solid and sustainable foundations.
SI – Studio Inzaghi remains available for any clarification