
Municipality of Milan: published the second exploratory notice of the Municipal Housing Plan

On February 27, the Municipality of Milan published the second Notice by which it called for an exploratory survey aimed at verifying, through the collection of expressions of interest, the willingness of private parties to build and manage, on municipal-owned areas, social housing units at controlled prices (“ERSSC”) for permanent lease at rents of 80 Euros/sqm per year or less, and any compatible vacant functions, as well as to build housing intended for Public Housing Services (where provided).

To ensure the financing of projects, the Municipal Administration plans to grant operators the areas / compendiums in surface right, while reserving the option to consider the establishment of other rights or otherwise the allocation of areas through other forms of concessionsor contracts suitable to safeguard the financial viability and economic sustainability of the interventions.

The Notice allows the Municipality to collect proposals aimed at better specifying, in subsequent stages, the development of the target areas and/or compendiums, in accordance with town planning regulations and the territorial context of reference.

We will see if the market will recognize the feasibility of these interventions on areas to be reclaimed, built and rented at 80 euros/sqm.

The areas targeted by the Notice are: Via Bovisasca 18(ST: 1,838 sq. m.); Via Pitagora (ST: 4,868 sq. m.); Pompeo Leoni (ST: 12,230sq. m.); Via Medici del Vascello (ST: 14,336 sq. m.).

Please find below a copy of the Notice.

SI – Studio Inzaghi remains available for any further information on the matter.