We advise public entities, as well as private operators, in all phases of award procedures for construction, supply and service contracts and during their performance under the contract.
Our expertise includes providing legal assistance during the procedure for the approval of the project, the tender and award procedures, and during performance of the contract, including in relation to public works and urbanisation works carried out by private entities.
We also assist in all phases of public-to-private partnerships (PPP) in real estate transactions, public finance and in the procedures regarding public assets to be renewed and managed or sold.

As a firm, we can identify the most efficient legal and technical solutions that allow operators to participate in tenders, to prepare the public documents and the economic and technical offers, as well as to communicate with efficacy with the awarding entities after the award, during stipulation of the public contracts.
We act as litigation legal counsel in public law claims before the Administrative Tribunals and the Council of State, in the process for amicable settlements, as well as in the context of arbitration proceedings and ordinary Court proceedings.
Our firm also advises public and private awarding entities, offering a full range of services to prepare the tender documents most suitably to achieve the desired objectives, including by preparing the related documentation, providing legal services to the principal and all technical advisors involved (designers, Head of Process, the awarding Commission, the Director of the Works, and Testing Coordinators) both during the selection of the contractor as well as during performance of the contract and through testing.
We support our clients during private beauty contests and in drafting supply and construction contracts.
Our legal services include assistance to national and international leading builders, real estate companies and funds in the drafting and negotiation of construction, service and supply contracts for real estate developments and urban renewal works.
Construction contracts